Preserve Your Access to Physical Therapy

Medicare wants to cut payment for physical therapy services in 2022 by 3.5%. This comes on top of the 3.3% cut in 2021, a 15% cut to services furnished by physical therapy assistants in 2022, and the return of annual 2% sequestration cuts that began in 2013.

What does this all mean?
Some services could face as much as a 23.8% cut in 2022!

According to an American Medical Association Policy Research Perspective, physical therapy providers were among the hardest hit during the pandemic. Many clinics will be forced out of business if payment is cut this drastically before they have time to recover from the pandemic.

With fewer providers in business, patients won’t have access to the critical services they need. We can’t let that happen.

Please use the Physical Therapy Association’s template letter to oppose payment cuts for physical therapy services! 

Anyone can submit comments. Your voice makes a difference.

Follow this link to send a prewritten letter to oppose the payment cuts.

SOURCE: American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)


Dr. Tobey’s daughter is a published author!