Answers to commonly asked questions.
Powhatan Physical Therapy is now offering Physical Therapy Checkups!
As Musculoskeletal Primary Care Providers, we are your go-to health provider to assure that your active lifestyle continues to move forward! Inspired by our concern for your Return To Life, These "Booster Sessions" are ideal for post-operative patients (Joint Replacements, Rotator Cuff Repairs/Other shoulder surgeries, Neck/Back conditions, ETC.) Your Physical Therapist will assess your range of motion strength, functional ability as well as review and progress your home exercise/gym program to maximize your return on invested time and effort. We are also offering fall risk assessments, general flexibility/ROM, strength and postural evaluations as requested. Call today to Schedule Your Physical Therapy Checkup! (NO THERAPY ORDER REQUIRED) Call 804-794-9023
My doctor suggested a different physical therapist’s office. Can I still use Powhatan Physical Therapy?
You do have a choice in who will provide your physical therapy. While your doctor may refer you to a different physical therapist’s office, you can tell your doctor you prefer to go elsewhere. Always be an advocate for your own health – and be sure to tell your doctor about your preferred therapist.
Do I need a prescription to make an appointment?
Typically, patients do need a prescription for treatment. We also offer Direct Access, which allows you to receive treatment without needing a prescription.
Learn more about Direct Access or call us at 804.794.9023 for more information
What is Direct Access?
Direct Access is the ability to treat a patient without needing a prescription from your primary healthcare provider or specialist.
Gregg A. Tobey, PT, DPT, has earned his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, Musculoskeletal Track, through The Evidence in Motion Institute of Health Professions. With this advanced degree, as well as 35 years of clinical experience, he is able to evaluate and treat you as your primary healthcare provider for orthopedic/musculoskeletal issues.
Learn more about Direct Access or call us at 804.794.9023 for more information
What does OCS mean?
OCS stands for Orthopedic Certified Specialist. This designation comes through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, a part of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Fewer than 10% of the APTA members hold this advanced credential that Dr. Tobey obtained that recognizes advanced clinical knowledge, experience and skills. Learn more about how OCS therapists improve quality of care in our blog.
What do I need for my first visit?
You may need a therapy order from your physician. This is a prescription for physical therapy that was issued by your physician. This prescription is similar to what you take to the drugstore for medicine and includes recommendations for treatment. If you don’t have a therapy order, see above for details about Direct Access.
Insurance card(s) and identification, like a driver’s license. Please arrive 20 minutes early to allow time to complete your new patient registration forms or take a few moments before you arrive to print the forms and fill them out at home (link to forms). This will maximize the time that your physical therapist can invest in you on your first visit.What should I wear to my physical therapy appointment?
We recommend that patients wear looser-fitting exercise clothing and sneakers for maximum comfort. If working with the knee, shorts are recommended.
What can I expect when I arrive at my first appointment?
When you arrive at Powhatan Physical Therapy, the Patient Service Specialist will greet you and review your forms. The Specialist will schedule all of your appointments and collect your co-payment (if applicable) at each visit.
After completing your work with the Patient Service Specialist, one of our physical therapists will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the proper treatment plan for your particular needs and explain your suggested treatment plan to you.
We want you to become an active participant, not a passive recipient, in your rehabilitation program. We know that the more engaged you are in your treatment plan, the better your results will be. Your therapist will stay in close communication regarding goal setting and response to treatment. Post-op protocols that are provided by your surgeon will be adhered to.
Treatment will begin on the same day as the evaluation, so allow an hour for your appointment.
How long will I need physical therapy?
The answer to this is different for everyone. The length of your treatment plan and frequency of your visits is based on your specific injury/condition, the physician prescription, your insurance plan, and the therapist’s recommended treatment plan. It is our goal to provide a treatment plan that will make you feel your best as quickly as possible.
Will I have to do exercises at home?
A tailored home exercise program will be given. It is essential to your timely recovery to adhere to this program.
How long will it take for me to get an initial visit?
We can typically schedule your first appointment within 24-48 hours.
Call to schedule your appointment today.